Tag Archives: Abortion

Why it is vital to decriminalise abortion: the case of Malta

Claire Pierson, University of Liverpool and Liza Caruana-Finkel, University of Liverpool If accessing abortion in countries where it’s criminalised wasn’t hard enough before the pandemic, lockdowns and COVID-19 travel restrictions have made the process that much more difficult. In fact, the issue became so pronounced at the start of the pandemic that the European parliament and the Council of Europe’s …

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When abortion is ‘haram’, women find strategies to claim their rights

Women hold signs as they take part in a demonstration against government plans to ban or limit the practice of abortion in Turkey on 22 June 2012, in Istanbul. Reuters

Hazal Atay, Sciences Po – USPC Many women took to the streets worldwide on September 28, the global day of action for safe abortion successes and put forth new demands for women’s right to access safe, free and legal abortion. Right to access safe abortion is under threat in many countries, from the United States to Poland, from Argentina to Ireland …

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