Tag Archives: Fat

Not all calories are equal – a dietitian explains the different ways the kinds of foods you eat matter to your body

Even if two foods share the same calorie count, there can be major differences in how they affect your body. Julia_Sudnitskaya/iStock via Getty Images Terezie Tolar-Peterson, Mississippi State University A calorie is a calorie is a calorie, at least from a thermodynamic standpoint. It’s defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water …

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Low carb, Paleo or fasting – which diet is best?

Ekaterina Markelova/Shutterstock Duane Mellor, Coventry University and Paul D McArdle, University of Birmingham At this time of year, we are bombarded with books and TV shows telling us what we should be eating and how best to lose weight. Particularly in vogue are low-carb diets, Paleo diets and intermittent fasting diets. But which diet is the most effective for sustained …

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Belly fat linked to higher risk of premature death, regardless of your weight

‘Apple shaped’ people store more fat in their abdomen, while ‘pear shaped’ people store it in their lower body. Red Confidential/ Shutterstock

‘Apple shaped’ people store more fat in their abdomen, while ‘pear shaped’ people store it in their lower body. Red Confidential/ Shutterstock Rebecca Dumbell, Nottingham Trent University It’s well known that carrying extra fat around your waist can be harmful to your health, bringing greater risk of developing illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But a recent …

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Non, tout le monde n’a pas grossi pendant le confinement

Si certaines personnes ont vu leurs pratiques alimentaires se dégrader pendant le confinement, faute de temps ou de moyens, d’autres les ont améliorées. Shutterstock

Si certaines personnes ont vu leurs pratiques alimentaires se dégrader pendant le confinement, faute de temps ou de moyens, d’autres les ont améliorées. Shutterstock Mélanie Deschasaux, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord – USPC; Mathilde Touvier, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) et Serge Hercberg, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord – USPC Pour briser les chaînes de transmission du coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsable de l’épidémie …

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