Tag Archives: Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, Russia follows a playbook it developed in Ukraine

A Russian military photo shows Russian soldiers arriving in Kazakhstan on Jan. 7, 2022. Russian Defence Ministry\TASS via Getty Images Lena Surzhko Harned, Penn State Add Kazakhstan to the list of former Soviet republics whose independence is now being threatened by Russia. Russian leader Vladimir Putin is using a similar playbook in Kazakhstan to one that he has used over …

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Kazakhstan unrest: another regional headache for Vladimir Putin

Liana Semchuk, University of Oxford The violence that engulfed Kazakhstan following demonstrations over rising fuel prices has abated for the time being. According to reports emerging from the turbulence it seems clear that this is largely due to the deployment of Russian peacekeeping troops on January 6 in response to a plea from the country’s embattled president, Kassym-Jormat Tokayev. An …

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Chine-Kazakhstan : vers un glacis eurasien ?

Emmanuel Véron, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) et Emmanuel Lincot, Institut Catholique de Paris Indépendant depuis 1991, à la suite de l’effondrement de l’URSS, le Kazakhstan, véritable État-continent (2 724 900 km2, ce qui en fait le neuvième plus grand pays du monde) qui dispose de 2 % des réserves mondiales de pétrole, ainsi que de la deuxième réserve mondiale d’uranium, …

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