Tag Archives: Quantitative easing (QE)

World economy in 2022: the big factors to watch closely

Nothing but conundrums. koya979 Muhammad Ali Nasir, University of Huddersfield Will 2022 be the year where the world economy recovers from the pandemic? That’s the big question on everyone’s lips as the festive break comes to an end. One complicating factor is that most of the latest major forecasts were published in the weeks before the omicron variant swept the …

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The euro is plunging – and probably won’t bounce back soon

E as in ebbing. kentoh/Shutterstock Keith Pilbeam, City, University of London The euro has weakened against the US dollar since the beginning of 2021, from around US$1.23 to its current exchange rate of US$1.13. That’s a fall of about 9%, which is significant, especially since these are the two major currencies of the world. The drop has also intensified in …

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